Strengthening our global commitment to climate action

Strengthening our global commitment to climate action

The slogan of the third UIAA Climate Change Summit is “UIAA Climate Action: Commitment, Action, Together, Now!” and will be held in Malta as part of the 2024 UIAA Congress.

In opening remarks, UIAA President Peter Muir shared personal and global examples of how climate change is impacting climbing activities—from melting or disappearing ice and threats to hut infrastructure, to access to favorite mountains alternatives (sometimes limited). He urged UIAA members to unite for climate action to mitigate and adapt to the impacts we are all witnessing.

Hosted by UIAA’s new sustainability partner Lenovo (more details to come), the summit focused on the recently developed UIAA Member Federation Climate Action Plan, specifically centered around four clear pillars: Commitment, Mitigation, Adapt and educate/advocate.

Delegates had the opportunity to explore two of the four pillars in more detail and communicate with other member federation representatives on key elements and challenges. Each breakout session was moderated by a member of the UIAA Climate Change Working Group, with Mary Sanseverino (Canada, ACC) leading exchanges on the commitment pillars, Jean Miczka (France, FFCAM) ​​leading adaptation, and Josef Klenner (Germany, DAV) leading climate change mitigation Paul Kwakkenbos (NKBV, Netherlands) led the educational/outreach communication.

During the interactive session, members of the Climate Change Working Group drew on many ideas, best practices, and further support from UIAA members. The latter will help shape UIAA’s future outputs to ensure that we are on the path to climate action together. Members specifically requested more education and communication tools, joint social media campaigns, greenhouse gas (GHG) measurement and reporting tools, a holistic approach that includes biodiversity and nature conservation, and judicious use of face-to-face gatherings to promote interaction and communication.

As a symbolic gesture to this year’s Climate Change Summit, conference attendees signed banners to highlight their active commitment to action on climate change.

UIAA members sign a dedicated banner at the 2024 UIAA Convention committing to support the Climate Action Plan. Photo: UIAA/Amelie Stettbacher

The 2024 Summit hosted by Lenovo is one of the results under the leadership of the UIAA Climate Change Working Group. More information on climate action, including guidance for UIAA member federations as well as individual climbers, will be published soon on a dedicated UIAA webpage.

Another fascinating sustainability topic covered during the conference was the PechaKucha presentation by Mary Sanseverino, Vice Chair of the UIAA Mountain Conservation Committee. Her engaging and visual presentation showcased UIAA’s response to the UN announcement International Year glaciersaveIt will be celebrated in 2025 and will feature a number of time-lapses and photographs highlighting the impact of climate change on glaciers.

The International Year of Glacier Conservation was created to:

  • Raise awareness of the role of glaciers in the climate system
  • Addressing the challenges of climate change and water crises
  • Encourage governments, businesses and individuals to take action
  • Develop a cross-departmental approach
  • Identify practical steps to advance scientific research

The UIAA is committed to a range of initiatives around the event and will provide more details ahead of December 11, the annual International Mountain Day.

UIAA resources

UIAA About Climate Change and Action
UIAA Internal Climate Action Plan
UIAA Carbon Footprint Report
UIAA Sustainability Charter

case study

German climate action case study, DAV
Canadian Climate Action Case Study, ACC
Climate Action Case Study Swiss SAC

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